Thursday, September 3, 2009

Internet Addiction--Crack for the 21st Century

I've heard of internet addiction before. I might have even had a touch of it when I first got the internet in my home over ten years ago.

I felt the overwhelming need to check my email every 15 minutes and spent hours browsing websites for freebies (everyone had a freebie back then if you just looked hard enough).

Eventually I could see that I was wasting time and needed to limit myself. But for some people, either this realization never comes, or even if it does, they can't limit themselves. They need outside help.

That's where Hilarie Cash comes in. She's the therapist and executive director of the ReStart Center in Washington state that specializes in treating internet addiction. (The picture is a link to photos of the center from which is the author of the picture.)

The Associated Press did an article on the center. The article noted the irony that this center to treat internet addiction is located not far from Redmond, WA, home of Microsoft.

Someone seeking treatment will pay $14,000 for 45 days of treatment which includes therapy sessions, doing chores, and going on outings.

This sort of makes me think I should become a psychotherapist and turn my grain farm into a treatment center of some type. $14,000 for a month and a half sounds pretty decent.

What could I treat? Let's who can't quit farming even when the money is gone. Or maybe deal-aholics who end up spending more time looking for deals and coupons and freebies than actually enjoying life. How about Knitters Anonymous for people who have developed hand deformities from holding knitting needles too much. The possibilities are endless.

I'm not saying I don't think this treatment could work, although the article pointed out that the jury is out on the effectiveness of it. I know when I force myself to stay off the computer for a full day and work around the house or outside, I feel like I've really accomplished a major feat. Imagine 45 days of that!

What I really like about the premise is getting someone to pay you to do chores around your compound in exchange for not letting them near technology. This could really solve the farm hand shortage we seem to be experiencing at the Erdman farm.

I wonder if they would like to open a satellite clinic in the Midwest?


  1. This is very interesting. As a student at VCSU, I have seen, and been accused of being, a student that has internet addiction. Through my personal experience, I have found that having something non-technology involved to do really helps me not need to use my computer. However, I have come to that realization and there is no way I am going to pay 14 grand to stay at a place and not go on the internet. If I wanted to quit internet I could do it myself. But, I guess there are people out there that can't get themselves to get off their butt and do something.

  2. As I am writing this I am sitting in my living room where my boyfriend is on his laptop and my friend is also on his laptop and we are all in the same room. Internet Addiction is real! I definitely relate to Zack's statement about VCSU students spending a lot of time on the internet. It is just bound to happen when you are handed a laptop on the first day of school and no matter where you go on campus you are connected.
    When I was reading your article I about choked when I saw how much patients are paying to get 'cured' from the internet. I think it might be a lot cheaper to throw away your laptop and cut the internet connection cord and just having no choice not to go on. $14,000 seems like a lot to pay for something they don't even have numbers on proving that it is effective.

  3. I agree with Zack and Annie that many VCSU students, myself included, spend excessive amounts of time on the Internet. For me, avoiding the Internet is much easier when I'm off campus. For instance, this is the first and only time I plan on being online this Labor Day weekend, and I'm just doing homework. I think putting people in a new environment would help lessen their Internet dependence, but $14,000 is a steep price to pay.

  4. $14,000 for three days seems a bit extensive! I would however, use this kind of service it was that bad. I remember when we first got internet back when I was still in Middle School and there were times when I didn't go to bed until 1:00 in the morning. This was late for me back then.
    Like the others have said, I too have spent large amounts on the computer being a VCSU student. I'm happy to say that this year is different and I'm actually only doing my homework on my computer and less time as "fun" time on the computer. I'm finding other activities to do like working out, reading books, or getting together with friends.
    It does make sense though that one can be addicted to the internet just like one can addicted to anything out in our society. Very interesting!
